Visa to Russia from Africa – How to get it cheap in 2022?

A guide to Russian visas

To move to Russia you are likely to need to complete a Russian visa application form. This guide will provide you with advice on which Russian visa to apply for, how to complete the application forms, and the costs you can expect to pay.

Russian visa policy is complex, with stricter controls for issues such as illegal employment and criminality. There are different regulations depending on where you are from, procedures foreigners must carry out, and some areas visitors cannot travel to.

This guide to Russian visas and permits includes the following topics:

Who needs a Russian visa or permit?

Citizens of most countries need a visa to travel to Russia. You must get this before arriving in Russia. Although a European country, Russia is not part of the EU/EFTA; it does not grant visa-free travel to countries within the EU/EFTA other than Croatia and Iceland for stays of up to 90 days.

Russia allows visa-free travel to member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States (several countries that were formerly part of the Soviet Union) plus Cuba. Citizens of the following countries can travel to Russia without a visa: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

Citizens of the following countries can enter Russia without a Russian visa but can only stay for periods of between 14-90 days and for certain purposes – Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Iceland, Israel, Macedonia, Montenegro, Mozambique, Nicaragua, Peru, Panama, Paraguay, Serbia, South Africa, Thailand, Uruguay and Venezuela.

Further details on the length of stay and conditions are available here.

Citizens of all other countries will require a Russian visa in order to enter Russia.

Types of Russian visas

All Russian visas are issued by the General Directorate for Migration Affairs (GUVM). There are various types of Russian visa issued, depending on the purpose and length of visit. The visa length is usually between 30-90 days although many can be extended. The below types of visa are referred to as Russian entry visas.

Russian visa: Tourist

  • This is the standard visa that allows entry as a tourist. It is valid for 30 days and cannot be renewed. To obtain a tourist visa, you must have confirmed accommodation for the duration of your stay in Russia.

Russian visa: Business

  • This is a visa for those visiting the country on official or private business. The standard business visa is valid for 90 days. There is also a Multi Russian Business visa which is valid for a year and allows multiple entries into Russia. Business visas are eligible for renewal upon expiration, but this must be via the organization that provided the invitation for your business visa. Business visas can also be used for commercial visits such as attending events such as auctions.

Russian visa: Private

  • This is a Russian visa valid for up to 90 days based on a private invitation from friends or relatives who live in Russia.

Russian visa: Humanitarian

  • This is a visa valid for up to a year with multiple entries for those entering Russia for any of the following purposes:
    • Cultural purposes
    • Purposes related to science
    • Political purposes
    • Sporting purposes
    • Religious purposes
    • Charitable purposes
    • Delivery of humanitarian aid

    Russian visa: Work/Employment

    • This is a Russian visa valid for 90 days with the possibility of extension, based only on a work invitation from a Russian company

    Russian visa: Student

    • This is a Russian visa valid for 90 days with the possibility of extension, based only on a student invitation from a Russian college or university.

    Russian Highly Skilled Migrant Visa

    • This is a special visa for those in skilled professions who gain employment with a salary of over R1 million. This visa is valid for three years, enables the holder to bypass the temporary residence permit requirement and entitles relatives including spouses, children and parents to a visa.

    Family Member of Russian Citizen Visa

    • This is a Russian visa for spouses, children under 18 and incapacitated children who are family members of Russian citizens are entitled to a Family Member visa if the relative who is a Russian citizen signs a visa request form. This visa is valid for 3 months.

    Russian Transit Visa

    • A Russian transit visa is necessary if you are traveling to somewhere via a Russian airport(s) or through Russia by train. Transit visas are normally valid for a maximum of three days for air travel and 10 days for train travel.
    • A Russian transit visa is not usually necessary if you stay in an airport transit zone in order to board a connecting flight within 24 hours of arrival. Check with your airline to see if you require a transit visa.

    Russian Special Purpose Visa

    • This is a visa valid for up to 30 days allowing you to attend special events taking place inside Russia.

    Areas with restricted access in Russia

    There are currently 18 regions in Russia that contain areas with limited entry for foreign nationals. These are:

    1. Kamchatka region
    2. Primor
    3. Krasnoryarsk region
    4. Orenburg region
    5. Nizhny Novgorod region (permission to travel in transit)
    6. Republic of Mordovia
    7. Murmansk region and Karelia
    8. Arkhangelsk and Komi Republic
    9. Sverdlovsk region
    10. Chelyabinsk region
    11. Leningrad region
    12. Moscow region
    13. Kaliningrad region
    14. Volgograd region
    15. Astrakhan region
    16. Chukotka Autonomous District
    17. Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area
    18. Republic of North Ossetia

    See here for more detailed information.

    Applying for a Russian entry visa

    You must apply for a visa through the Russian embassy or consulate in your home country. A list of embassies and consulates worldwide is available here. It isn’t possible to apply for a visa inside Russia or at the Russian border.

    Excluding the Tourist Visa and the Transit Visa, all visa types require an invitation from the GUVM branch in the area where you are staying. This is available via your visa sponsor (resident organization or individual who is inviting you to Russia). Your sponsor is probably best placed to sort this out, but a list of local GUVM offices can be found here.

    For a tourist visa, you must provide a stamped tourist confirmation document from your travel agent or hotel. This confirms you have accommodation for the duration of your trip.

    To apply for your visa, fill out a visa application form either online or at the Russian embassy. An English version of the form is available here.

    You must also submit the following:

    • copy of your passport
    • a passport-size photograph not older than six months
    • visa fees
    • invitation from the appropriate GUVM branch (if applicable)
    • medical insurance
    • a certificate confirming the absence of HIV infection (if staying longer than 90 days)
    • you may also be asked to provide bank statements to show proof of funds for the duration of the visit

    You can find out full details of visa requirements from different countries, along with further information on how to get a visa here.

    Some countries now require applicants to attend the Russian embassy in person for biometric scanning.

    The processing time for a Russian visa is not long and can be as short as two days, although it is wise to apply a few weeks in advance.

    Russian visa costs

    Visa costs vary from country to country and depending on what visa type you opt for. In the UK, you can choose between a standard service (seven days) or a more expensive express service (two days). Russian visa costs in the UK start at £165.

    Rules to remember regarding your visa

    Registration requirements

    • All foreign visitors to Russia are required to register their stay at the local GUVM branch within 7 days of arrival. This will often be done by the organisation or individual who is sponsoring/inviting the visitor but it’s worth checking to ensure this is done. Failure to register with the GUVM can result in a fine and in some cases expulsion from Russia.

    Migration card

    • The migration card is the identity document issued to all foreign nationals in Russia at the border and must be presented along with the passport whenever an identity check is required by Russian officials. If you lose your migration card, you need to report it to the nearest GUVM office and you will have to pay for a replacement.

    Exiting Russia

    • In addition to allowing entry into the country, your entry visa also serves as your exit visa. You need to specify the exact day that you will be leaving the country and if you miss this date, leaving Russia could be problematic.
    • Visitors who overstay their visa by more than three days will need to apply for an exit visa to leave Russia, which can take up to 20 days to be issued. This can only be overturned if a valid reason (e.g., illness, stolen visa) is presented.

    Visa application for a Russian residence permit

    If you are moving to Russia, you will need to apply for a Russian residence permit at the local GUVM office either when you arrive in Russia or before your visa expires. All foreigners wanting to live in Russia, other than those from Belarus, refugees arriving from Turkmenistan and those arriving on a Highly Skilled Migrant visa, need to initially apply for a temporary residence permit, which is valid for three years (although it needs to be re-stamped by the GUVM every year).

    Anyone who has legally entered Russia is entitled to apply for a temporary Russian residence permit. The Russian government operates on migration quotas and will prioritise applicants who meet at least one of the following criteria:

    • born in Russia
    • citizens of a former USSR country
    • have a family member or partner who is a Russian citizen
    • made a certain amount of investments in Russia (determined by federal law)
    • served in the Russian military
    • have had a child born in Russia

    If you are working or studying in Russia for longer than three months, you will also have a strong case for being granted a temporary residence permit if you can present a letter of support from your employer/college to the GUVM.

    Holders of a temporary residence permit cannot be absent from Russia for longer than three months and have to apply for an exit visa and a re-entry visa to travel away from the country.

    Documents that need to be provided in order to obtain a Russian residence permit include:

    • passport
    • criminal record certificate
    • two passport photos
    • valid entry visa (if necessary)
    • health certificate confirming absence of infectious diseases
    • document confirming basic knowledge of Russian language, history and culture

    Working with a Russian visa

    It is possible to work in Russia if you have obtained a work permit through a Russian employer along with a valid work visa. This is valid for 90 days although it is possible to extend it for up to three years and get a temporary residence permit. See our article on Russian work visas and permits for even more information.

    Studying with a Russian visa

    You can come to Russia to study if you have obtained a study placement offer from a Russian college or university along with a Russian study visa. This is valid for 90 days although it is possible to extend it and get a temporary residence permit. See our guide to studying in Russia for even more information.

    Getting a Russian visa to join a relative or partner

    You can apply to join family or a partner in Russia on a Russian Private Visa if the family member invites you. Certain family members are eligible to apply for long-term residence under Russia’s family reunion laws. See our guide on Joining a relative or partner in Russia for more information.

    Applying for a visa for citizenship or permanent residence purposes

    You can apply for permanent residence in Russia after one year of temporary residence and for full citizenship after five years. See our guide to Russian citizenship and permanent residence for more information.

    Visa to Russia from South Africa

    Yes, the citizens of the Republic of South Africa must have a Russian visa stamp in order to be allowed entry in Russia. The process of obtaining a visa involves someone (person or organization) offering an invitation, preparing a letter of invitation and sending it to the South Africa.

    How to Get Russian Visa from South Africa?

    The citizen of the Republic of South Africa has to come to the Embassy of the Russian Federation with an invitation letter and passport in hand. He/she will be offered to fill out an visa application. It is mandatory to pay the consular fee. In addition to that, the Embassy officer may ask to provide other documents, such as: accommodation reservation letter, boarding pass, health insurance policy.

    Visa duration, number of entries allowed and, in the first place, the prospect of obtaining it largely depend on the letter of invitation. The format of the letter varies based on the reason for the travel the citizen of the RSA has.

    Foreign citizens most frequently apply for these types of visa, depending on the general purpose of the journey:

    • Tourist visa is intended for those who travel for tourism and wish to see sights.
    • Electronic visa – for example: short-term trips;
    • Private visa is good for visitors who would like to meet Russian friends (however, it is recommended to apply for the tourist visa instead as it is a more easy and reliable way to take a trip to Russia).
    • Business visa suits the foreign applicants who are concerned in exploring business opportunities of Russia.
    • Work visa is necessary for the citizens of foreign countries who seek to endeavour in career and professional development in Russian enterprises.

    Where to apply for a Russian visa in South Africa ?

    You can obtain a visa to Russia in any of the Consulates of the Russian Federation located in South Africa . See the list of Russian Consulates in South Africa, along with their phone numbers and location indicated on this page below.

    Russian visas quick comparison

    Type of VisaDurationPurpose
    Tourist visa1-30 daysSightseeing, visiting friends in Russia
    Business visa30-90 days (up to 5 years)Search of business partners, attending conferences, long trips, long-term visits of friends in Russia
    Electronic visa8 daysTrips for a short period of time
    Private visa30-90 daysOfficial visits to meet with friends in Russia (Not recommended! See why)
    Work visa1-3 yearsEmployment in Russia or permanent residence

    Russian Tourist Visa from South Africa

    To obtain a tourist visa, a South African national must pay the consular fee and provide the full package of documents at the Russian Embassy. It is mandatory that it should include a tourist invitation issued by a tourist company registered in the registry of Russian tour operators.

    This type of invitation to visit Russia for South African can be made within 1 working day. It should be printed on the headed paper of the travel agency. The letter must consist of a tourist voucher and a confirmation of reception of the tourist . The invitation must indicate the reference number of the inviting company, its name and legal address, passport data of the tourist, the route of his/her travel in Russia, number of entries and validity period requested.

    Availability of the letter is a requirement, however it does not guarantee the visa will be granted. In case of the positive decision, a tourist visa for a period of 30 days will be issued.

    Get a Tourist Invitation to Russia from South Africa

    Russian Private Visa for South African citizens

    Citizens of the Republic of South Africa who wish to visit their Russian friends or relatives, who are residents of the Russian Federation, or seek medical help on the territory of Russia must obtain a private visa. Individuals or legal entities offering invitation to the foreign person are responsible for handling the process of obtaining a visitor visa invitation letter.

    Please note! We do not recommend using a private visa!
    Find out why: Why not apply for a private visa?

    In order to do that, the individual should apply at the office of the FMS at the place of his/her residence (or place of the company’s registration) requesting that a letter of invitation in support of visitor visa be issued. Also, a copy of passport of the foreign citizen must be provided and the receipt for payment of the state duty.

    For consideration of the application from a private individual the law stipulates a period of 30 days while the application from legal entities can take up to 12 (in case single entry visitor visa is requested) or 17 business days (for a double-entry visa). The procedure involves a check to reveal whether the foreign citizen has been deported from Russia during his/her prior stays following his/her violating the law. In case such records are found, the invitation application will be refused.

    Visitor visa may be issued for up to 90 days.

    Get of a Private (Visitor) Invitation to Russia for South African citizens

    Russian Business Visa from South Africa

    In order to obtain a business visa, a citizen of the RSA must present a letter of invitation at the Embassy. Preparation of the letter is a responsibility of the hosting party. It can be business partners, a commercial firm or a company that holds a conference or workshop.

    The business visa invitation letter can be obtained by either of these ways:

    • Russian Business Invitation Letter from organization(possible to get Online);
    • Russian Invitation Letter from FMS;
    • Telex Russian Invitation;

    Only those organizations that are accredited at the FMS are eligible to issue business invitations on their headed papers. This way is the fastest one as it only takes 1 day to complete.

    The hosting party can issue a letter of invitation for business visa on the government-authorized form. Reviewing the application for that type of invitation may take up to 12 working days (for a single-entry visa) or 17 working days (for a dual-entry visa). During that time, the foreign citizen will be subject to a background check to determine whether he/she has a history of criminal convictions on the territory of the Russian Federation or whether he/she has been deported from the country during his/her previous visits. These findings as well as unpaid fines will result in refusal.

    After the business invitation is issued, it should be mailed by express delivery service to the Republic of South Africa. In case the Telex invitation is the option of choiсe, the foreign citizen can visit the Embassy with the package of documents in hand the next day after the hosting party provides him/her the Telex number.

    The single-entry business visa may allow staying in Russia for several days, while the multiple-entry one may be valid for 6 or 12 months.

    Get a Russian Business Invitation from South Africa on the letterhead of an accredited company

    Issuing of a Business Invitation to Russia for South African citizens on the FMS form

    Get a Business Invitation to Russia for South African citizens by a Telex

    Work visa for South African citizens

    The citizen of the Republic of South Africa has the right to engage in labor activities in Russia only having a visa which he/she has obtained in a proper manner in accordance with the rules of Russian immigration law. The foreign work visa holder may be accompanied by his/her family members when moving to Russia. The visa will indicate that they accompany the foreign worker on his trip to the Russian Federation.

    It is necessary to obtain a work permit allowing to work in Russia and a job offer from one of the companies operating in Russia. The employing company is obliged to handle the paperwork. It can take up to 1.5 months.

    Upon receiving the work visa, the citizen of the Republic of South Africa should enter Russia and register with the immigration authorities. Initially, a 90 days work visa will be given. After the worker arrives in Russia, the company must assist renewal of the visa for the duration of his/her work permit. The visa can be extended for a period not longer than one year. It is not necessary to leave the country in order to extend the work visa. It is allowed to renew the work visa unlimited number of times.

    It is the employer’s responsibility to ensure that the foreign worker extends his/her visa in due time and follows regulations of the Russian immigration law (notifies the authorities). The paperwork required to obtain a work visa is a time-consuming process.

    Get Work Visa to Russia for South African citizens

    Russian Electronic Visa from South Africa

    An electronic visa (hereinafter referred to as “e-visa”) is a new type of a visa document. A visa invitation to Russia is not required for obtaining an e-visa. To obtain an e-visa to Russia use our “E-visa to Russia” service.

    An e-visa can be only single-entry. The permitted stay in Russia on an e-visa is up to 8 days from the date of entry within its validity period.

    The validity period and/ or permitted stay on an e-visa cannot be extended. To obtain an e-visa a foreign citizen needs a digital passport photo and a completed application form containing full and valid data at the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    In compliance with the Russian Government Regulation, South Africa is currently not listed among the foreign states eligible for an e-visa.

    Russian consulate in South Africa:

    South African citizens may obtain Russian visa in these Consular centers of the Russian Federation:

    • C onsular Section of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in the Republic of South Africa
      • Address: Avenuе Gamal Abdel Nasser, В.Р.1405, Bangui, République Centrafricaine
      • Phone: (8-10-236) 2161-03-11
      • Fax: (8-10-236) 2161-56-45
      • E-mail:[email protected]
      • Web:

      Frequently Asked Questions

      What are the main types of Russian visas?
      • Tourist Visa – e.g.: tourism, sightseeing;
      • Business Visa – e.g.: conferences, business negotiations;
      • E-Visa – e.g.: short-term visits;
      • Work Visa – e.g.: employment in a Russian company;
      • Private Visa – e.g.: visiting friends in Russia (though a tourist visa is cheaper and more effecient??).
      How can I get a visa to Russia?

      To obtain a Russian visa you need:

      1. Fill in our online order form and get a Visa invitation to Russia
      2. Refer to our Complete Step-by-Step Guide to Russian Visa Application, use your personal data and information from the Invitation to Russia
      Do South African need Visa to Russia?

      Yes, the citizens of the Republic of South Africa must have a Russian visa stamp in order to be allowed entry in Russia.

      Where to apply for a Russian visa in South Africa?

      You can obtain a visa to Russia in any of the Consulates of the Russian Federation located in South Africa . See the list of Russian Consulates in South Africa, along with their phone numbers and location indicated on this page below.

      How to apply for a tourist invitation to visit Russia?

      It is mandatory that it should include a tourist invitation issued by a tourist company registered in the registry of Russian tour operators.

      How to get Visa to russia from Africa in 2020

      Yes, citizens of Africa have to get visa if they want to visit Russia.
      Visa is a document for foreigners which allows to cross the border of Russia legally.
      For getting visa to Russia you need to get an invitation for visa and health insurance. These documents must be submitted to the Russian Consulate abroad.

      Information on this website is available in the following languages:
      Russian, English.

      For getting visa an Africa citizen should know:

      On the territory of Africa there are 55 states (population – more than 1.1 billion people), many of which have been fighting for many years or have developed economically unstable situation. Countries are in migration risk list, which means that the probability of violation of the visa regime by citizens of African countries arriving in the Russian Federation is increased. Because of it requires for Africa citizens more effort than for citizens of countries that are not consider migration risks. The list of migration risk’s countries is constantly being updated, depending on the situation in the world.

      Short list of steps-to-do for African:

      1. To have valid passport
      2. To get an invitation to Russia
      3. To get a medical insurance
      4. Fill in the form on and print it
      5. Paste your photo 3,5х4,5 cm in form
      6. Pay consular (visa) fee ≈ 80$ (46600 CFA francs)
      7. Bring or send documents to the Russian Consulate (passport, invitation, insurance, application form, receipt)
      8. Wait for 1 to 20 calendar days and get a passport with visa

      You can get a visa by contacting the Russian Consulate in Africa. Before visiting the Consulate, you need to get an invitation, medical insurance for a visa and complete the online form on the website of the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

      There are the following types of visas and purpose of visiting Russia:

        – for sightseeing; – for negotiations, procurement control; – for visiting relatives living in the territory of the Russian Federation; – for official work in Russian Federation.

      Comparison of length of stay and price of visa:

      Duration of stay and visa prices for Africa citizens

      Type of visaLength of stayFull processing price
      Touristfrom 1 to 30 days≈235$
      Businessfrom 30 days to 1 year *from 335$
      Privatefrom 30 to 90 days≈205$
      Workfrom 1 to 3 yearsfrom 1220$
      Electronicfrom 1 to 8 days≈17$

      * – visa can be valid up to 1 year, but it is possible to stay in Russia continuously for no more than 90 of 180 days

      Cost example of visa for an African

      Cost example of single tourist visa to Russia for 14 days (2 weeks) for Africa citizen:

      The cost of visa is always calculated individually. Using this example, you can calculate the cost of your visa.

      Invitation to Russia125$ (≈71600 CFA francs)
      Medical insurance≈1,5$ per day * 14 days ≈ 17$ (≈9850 CFA francs)
      Photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm8$ (≈4500 CFA francs)
      Consular fee80$ (≈46600 CFA francs)
      Postal services (optional)5$ (≈2700 CFA francs)
      Total:235$ (≈135250 CFA francs)

      Consular fee for tourist visa
      (the main expense)

      The visa fee has a fixed value and depends only on the multiplicity of the visa issued.

      The size of the consular fee depends on the multiplicity of the issued visa to Russia:

      Visa fee for citizens of Africa in 2020 (check on the website of the Consulate)

      Ordinary *Urgent **
      Single80$ (46600 CFA francs)160$ (93200 CFA francs)
      Double entry128$ (75600 CFA francs)256$ (151200 CFA francs)
      Multi-entry240$ (141000 CFA francs)480$ (282000 CFA francs)

      * Normal processing time – from 4 to 20 working days

      ** Urgent processing time – from 1 to 3 working days

      Tourist visa to Russia for African citizens

      Africans with tourist visa can come to Russia for short time. Visa needs tourist invitation, which can be obtained by contacting tour operator providing services to tourists in Russia.

      To receive a tourist invitation to Russia online will take no more than 5 minutes. Moreover, every invitation there must be two parts:

      1. Tourist voucher indicating that you have bought a tourist ticket to Russia.
      2. Confirmation of tourist admission — the Consulate is requested to issue a visa to a foreign citizen.

      However, you need to know that presence of invitation is not yet success to issuing to African tourist visa to Russia. He may also be required to receive medical insurance, copies of tickets for entering and leaving Russia, detailed program for the stay of a foreign tourist in the Russian Federation and other documents.

      If all the documents are in order and the employees of the Russian consulate have no reason to believe that the African can allow a violation of the visa regime, tourist visa will be issued to him for the period indicated in the invitation (up to 30 days). Visa can be single or double.

      Business visa to Russia for African citizens

      Business visa to Russia should be issued to those citizens of African states who want to visit the Russian Federation for meetings with business partners or to sign a contract or to purchase equipment and other business-related goals.

      Business visa is attractive for a longer (up to 90 days) continuous stay in Russia. Business visa is free of problems as private visas have and give opportunity to stay 3 times more in Russia than with tourist visa.

      To get business visa you will need business invitation to Russia. For Africans, there are different types of business invitations, each have their own pros and cons:

      The form of Ministry of Internal Affairs

      For receiving of business invitation on the letterhead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs representative of the inviting organization must apply at the place of his registration and send request for an invitation of foreigner. And you need to submit information about the inviting party and the invited person, copy of his identity card, justify the purpose of his arrival, provide a letter of guarantee to provide the invited person with money, housing and medical assistance during his stay in Russia. Also, you need to pay the state fee for issuing an invitation.

      It may take from 7 to 21 business days to consider the application for an invitation on a state form. Check will be carried out and if errors are found in the submitted documents or the reasons why this foreigner’s visit to Russia is undesirable (such as repeated administrative violations committed by him in his previous visits), they can issue refuse of invitation on the letterhead of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

      Electronic invitation from Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Telex)

      Electronic invitation form of a Telex is an order transmitted from the Russian Foreign Ministry via an internal communication channel to a specific Russian consulate on the issue of a business visa to a foreigner. In this case, the invited foreign citizen will need to provide only a series of numbers and information about the organization inviting him by the Telex. Registration takes from 7 to 21 business days.

      Private visa to Russia for African citizens

      Visit his relatives permanently residing in Russia, African can apply for a private visa. Firstly, he will need to receive an invitation from the Russian Federation, issued by the person whom he is going to visit.

      To receive an invitation to Russia for your African relative or friend, you must be an adult and have Russian citizenship or a residence permit. Person who wants to issue a private invitation for a foreigner must contact the Main Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at the place of registration and submit a request, copy of his passport and the passport of the invited foreigner, and also provide a guarantee letter on the provision of housing, medical assistance and money for the invited foreigner, necessary for leaving the territory of the Russian Federation before the expiration of the visa. In addition, inviting person needs to pay a state fee, provide certificate of income, indicating that he can afford it.

      It may take several weeks to consider such an application. If the verification of the attached documents doesn’t reveal any facts that preventing the issuance of the invitation, then it will be issued on the form of the established form, which inviting party will have to send to the invited foreigner.

      Work visa to Russia for African citizens

      On the basis of these documents and documents proving his identity and qualifications, consular visa will be issued to the African at the Russian consulate for 90 days. After entering Russia, he will have to be registered at the migration office and renew his visa for the duration of the work permit (1 year).

      Then annually without leaving the country, he will be able to extend the validity of his visa. The holder of visa can cross the borders of the Russian Federation as many times as he needs. However, changing of employer need to start process of obtaining work visa again.

      E-visa to Russia for African citizens

      Electronic visa is a new format of visa that has been introduced as experimental. You don’t need an invitation and can apply for it through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. For nowadays electronic visa is single entry and cannot be extended. With it you can stay in Russia up to eight days, and for receiving you need digital photo and a completed application form.

      It is important that obtaining of electronic visa is available only to citizens of some countries. Citizens of some African countries can get an electronic visa to Russia. Complete list of countries with which Russia has an agreement about electronic visas is available on the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

      If you have any questions ask them in the comments to this article. I will try to answer them all.

      How to get a private visa to visit relatives or friends in Russia

      If you are going to visit friends or relatives in Russia you can apply for what is called a private visa, which is issued to foreign citizens visiting the country as private guests of Russian citizens or foreigners with legal residence in Russia. In this article I’ll explain the procedure for requesting this type of visa.

      I’m going to talk about .


      I often receive questions from people who want to travel to Russia to visit their Russian relatives or friends and who don’t know what steps they should take to apply for a visa. The truth is that the information offered by the Russian Consulates on their websites is not very detailed, which is why many doubts arise.

      In this article I’ll explain what is the procedure to follow and in which cases it is worth applying for a private visa and in which it is worth requesting another type of visa.

      1. Preliminary issues

      Before explaining how to apply for a private visa, it is necessary to explain some preliminary matters.

      1.1. What is a private Russian visa?

      The Russian visa for private travel is issued to foreign citizens visiting Russia as private guests of relatives or friends based on a request from a Russian citizen or a foreign citizen with legal residence in Russia.

      1.2. How long are you allowed to stay?

      The normal length of stay allowed with a private visa is a maximum of 90 days and may be single or double entry.

      1.3. Where do you apply for a private visa?

      You may apply for a private visa:

      • At Russian consulates. The advantage is that it is a little cheaper: you save the visa center management fees and only pay the consular fees. The disadvantage is that the application can only be made in person, you must have a prior appointment and the operating hours are shorter.
      • At the Russian Visa Application Center, an agency authorized by the Consulate, where you can complete this process in person or remotely by courier. They have longer opening hours. The disadvantage is that they apply management fees that are added to the consular fees.

      1.4. When to start the process?

      I recommend starting the application process for the private visa at least 2 or 3 months in advance, since the process is generally slower than the process for the tourist visa.

      2. The application process for the private visa

      The application process is very similar to applying for a tourist visa. The following documents are required when applying for a private visa:

      • Original passport with at least 2 blank pages, valid for at least 6 months after the expiry date of the visa.
      • Fill out the Visa Application Form, to be printed, signed and with a photo affixed. IMPORTANT: on the form you must indicate that it is a private visa:

      • Travel assistance insurance with coverage in Russia (you can get it online with Cherehapa). Note: Insurance is compulsory for European citizens only, but not for US, Canadian, UK or Australian citizens (although it is highly recommended).
      • Private visa invitation letter issued by the General Administration for Immigration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation or by a Russian resident addressed to the Consular Section.

      As you can see, the documents are basically the same as for the tourist visa application, but with one exception: instead of a tourist visa invitation letter, you will need a private visa invitation letter from your relative or friend. Although you can get a tourist invitation letter online in 5 minutes, getting an invitation letter from your friend or relative takes more time.

      Next, I’ll explain how to get the invitation letter from your relative or friend. You may have 3 different scenarios:

      • A Russian relative or friend who lives in Russia invites you to their house
      • You are traveling to Russia (from overseas) accompanied by your Russian spouse or parents
      • A (non- Russian) relative who resides legally in Russia invites you to their house

      A warning beforehand: the list of documents to be submitted at each Consulate may differ depending on the country, so it is best to contact each Consulate directly.

      Case No.1: You are invited by a relative or Russian friend living in Russia

      The most common case is when a Russian relative or friend who resides in Russia, invites you as a guest to their home. Applying for this type of visa requires the same documents as for a tourist visa, except that the invitation letter must be processed in Russia by your friend or relative through the General Administration for Immigration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (GUVM, formerly known as FMS).

      This application can be submitted by your friend:

      • In person through one of the GUVM offices.
      • Electronically via the website of the Russian Government at the following link:

      The process to obtain the invitation costs 800 rubles and once the application is submitted, the invitation takes about 20 business days. Although the law allows the invitation to be sent directly to the Consulate electronically, this document is usually issued in paper form, so you have to go and pick it up. After obtaining it, your relative or friend has to send the invitation by mail to your home address (the postage cost may be at least about 2,000 rubles).

      To apply for this invitation, your relative or friend will need a copy of your passport, as well as their Russian passport. They must also prove, with their pay slip or bank statement, that they have the financial means to be able to invite you to their home.

      Your friend has to fill out different forms, which you can download at these links:

      Here’s a sample of a private invitation letter:


      • If you are going to stay with relatives or friends this is the visa that best suits your circumstances
      • The private visa allows up to a 90-day stay, while the tourist visa allows a maximum of 30 days.


      • Your relative or friend has to take the trouble to apply, pay for, collect and mail you the invitation letter.
      • The process for obtaining the invitation is slow (20 business days). You also have to add the time it takes for the mailed invitation to get to you from Russia. A tourist invitation letter can be obtained ready to print in 5 minutes.
      • It costs 800 rubles to process the application, plus postage costs, which can amount to at least about 2,000 rubles.


      • US citizens: from 2012 US citizens are able to obtain either a 3-year Multi-Entry Tourist visa upon request which exceed the 30 day stay limit. So, it is much more practical to apply for a 3-year Multi-Entry Tourist visa. Once you have obtained a tourist visa, you can enter Russia and stay at the home of your Russian family or friend.
      • Citizens from other countries
        • If you are staying with friends or family for less than 30 days, it is much more practical to apply for a tourist visa (allowing stays of up to 30 days). The most common practice is to obtain a tourism invitation letter online for about 1,200 rubles, which you can print at home. In this case, both in the invitation letter and on the visa application form you must indicate that you will stay in hotels or apartments, whether Airbnb or other platforms. You can include a random hotel or apartment in the city where you will be staying, even if you do not stay there. Once you have obtained a tourist visa, you can enter Russia and stay at the home of your Russian family or friend.
        • If you are staying more than 30 days, then you can apply for a private visa, although if you want to speed up the process, you can consider the option of applying for a business visa which allows a 90-day stay every 180 days (for this you can also obtain a business invitation letter electronically).

        To bear in mind: A very common mistake is to obtain a tourist invitation letter from a Russian tourist agency and then indicate on the form that you are applying for a private visa and that you are going to stay at the home of friends or relatives. This is something you should never do because it is one reason for the visa being denied. If you have a tourist invitation letter you must apply for a tourist visa (even if you end up staying at your friend’s or family’s house), whereas if your invitation letter is private then you must apply for a private visa.

        Case No.2: Travelling to Russia (from overseas) accompanied by your spouse or Russian mother / father

        The case is different for foreign citizens who are the spouses or children of Russian citizens who live abroad and are traveling together to Russia.

        In this case you must also provide the same documents as for the tourist visa application, but instead of the invitation letter you must provide the following documents:

          , for the visa to be issued, indicating the degree of kinship and the place where you will be staying in the Russian Federation.

        • Original and photocopy of your Russian relative’s internal passport.
        • Documentary proof of the degree of kinship: applicant’s marriage or birth certificate.
        • Residence permit of your Russian relative, in the country where you are going to apply for the visa.

        Conclusion: if you are traveling to Russia with your spouse or Russian parents this is the visa that best suits your circumstances. In this case you will save the cost of the invitation and the entire process is completed from the country of origin and not in Russia.

        Caso No. 3: Invited by a (non-Russian) relative living legally in Russia

        The last case is when you are invited by a (non-Russian) foreign citizen who is a legal resident in Russia and is your close relative: spouse, child, parents, grandparents or grandchildren. In this case, instead of an invitation letter you need to provide:

        • A written, notarized application by your relative.
        • Proof of your relative’s legal residence in Russia (temporary residence permit, study permit, work permit, etc.).
        • Registration certificate as evidence of the degree of kinship.

        The cost of notarial services may amount to around 700 rubles plus the cost of sending the documents, which can be at least approximately 2,000 rubles.

        Conclusion: if your stay is less than 30 days it is easier and cheaper to obtain a tourist visa. If your stay is longer than 30 days, you can also opt for a business visa (or a 3-year Multi-Entry Tourist visa for US citizens).

        I hope this article has been useful for you. If so, I would appreciate it if you share it on your social networks. Below you can tell your experience about the private visa so that it can be useful to other travelers. Thank you

        Who can travel to Russia in 2021?

        In accordance with Annex №1 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №635-R of March 16, tourists from the following countries may come to Russia:

        Citizens of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Ukraine residing in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions are also allowed to visit Russia.

        There are 2 main rules for travellers who are going to visit Russia:

        — You must be a citizen of these countries or have a residence permit (or any other document proving the right of permanent residence).

        — You have to enter Russia by plane and only from the territory of your country.

        As for other countries, there are certain categories of citizens that can enter Russia. See the full list on the Federal Security Service website (available in Russian).

        These categories are:

        — diplomats and their family members;

        — drivers, captains and pilots of international flights;

        — foreign nationals who are family members of Russian citizens

        — citizens who need to take care for their closest relatives (e.g. husbands, wives, children, mothers and fathers);

        — citizens who have a residence permit for Russia;

        — migrants who participate in the governmental programme;

        — citizens who come for medical treatment (the documents should be issued by the Ministry of Health);

        — citizens entering due to death of a close relative (death certificate and a document confirming the degree of kinship are required);

        — highly qualified specialists. See the instructions for such specialists on the Federal Agency for Tourism website (available in Russian);

        — residents of Baikonur and employees of companies working in the space industry.

        What documents are needed for entry to Russia?

        Negative COVID-19 PCR test — provide it at the customs. You must make it no earlier than 72 hours before departure.
        You do not need to stay in quarantine if you have a negative test result.

        A passport valid for 6 months from the date of travel.

        Application form for those who are on flights to the Russian Federation for border crossing. It is to be completed prior to arrival in Russia.

        Visa (citizens of 58 states are eligible for visa-free travel. See the list of these countries at the Federal Agency for Tourism website).
        You must apply for it at the nearest visa application centre of your country: electronic visas to Russia are temporarily suspended.

        Visa application form.
        Sample for British nationals.
        Sample for citizens of other countries.

        Medical Insurance (Russian abbreviation: DMS). It must be valid across the whole territory of Russia and cover possible COVID-19 infection.

        Proof of accommodation. Required for citizens who are nor eligible for visa-free travel to Russia.

        Things you need to foresee before travelling to Russia

        You need to be tested for COVID-19 in 72 hours before your arrival. The fastest way to get a test result is to do express tests. Keep in mind that they might be more expensive. The certificate must be in English or Russian. You may request a Russian translation at the clinic.

        If you will show signs of fever or any other symptoms of an illness, you may be asked to re-do the test upon arrival. Set aside some cash on that — on average, the test costs 3,000 rubles (approximately 34 EUR). If the result is positive, you will have to stay for treatment.

        Rules and recommendations you should follow while travelling in Russia

        — be sure to wear gloves and a medical mask in public places: shops, transport, public institutions and museums;

        — maintain at least 1,5 meters between yourself and people around;

        — avoid crowded places;

        — take a taxi instead of public transport.

        How not to get COVID-19 — basic rules

        Precautions The World Health Organization advises to follow:

        — wash your hands thoroughly with soap, use alcohol-based hand rubs;

        — wear a mask and gloves in public places. The mask must cover your nose and mouth;

        — cover your mouth with a tissue if you feel like sneezing or coughing. After that, dispose the tissue immediately;

        — avoid touching your face.

        Stay at home if you feel unwell. If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, call 103 immediately.

        Visa-free Travel to Russia for South Africans: Requirements and Documents

        There are about 60 nationalities that don’t need a visa to travel to Russia. Among these nationalities is South Africa. In this article I’ll outline the requirements that South African citizens must meet to enter Russia without a visa, as well as what documents they need to take with them.

        I’m going to talk about .

        1. South Africans do not need a visa to travel to Russia (for up to 90 days)

        As of March 30, 2017, South Africans do not need a visa to travel to Russia, under the visa exemption agreement or treaty signed in Moscow between South Africa and Russia

        Under this agreement, South African citizens may enter, transit and remain in Russian territory without a visa for a period of up to 90 days, during each 180-day period, starting from the date of their first entry (visa waiver).

        • Example 1: if you enter Russia on your South African passport on January 1 and leave on March 31 (90 days), then you will not be able to re-enter Russia until July 1, that is, once 180 days have elapsed since the date of first entry. From July 1 you can enjoy a new 90-day stay under the same conditions.
        • Example 2: If you enter Russia on your South African passport on January 1 and leave on January 30 (30 days), then you will be able to re-enter Russia to enjoy another stay of up to 60 days, until you’ve exhausted the 90 days, if this occurs before July 1.

        The vast majority of South Africans who travel to Russia as tourists or on business use this visa exemption. It doesn’t matter if you are traveling to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Sochi or Siberia, the visa exemption applies to the entire Russian territory.

        Keep in mind that during this stay in Russia you cannot carry out any paid work, either on your own or on behalf of others.

        2. What documents does a South African need to enter Russia without a visa?

        First let me say that you do not need to travel to the Russian Consulate in Pretoria or Cape Town to do any paperwork, nor do you need to apply for an electronic Russian visa (e-visa).

        As a South African tourist, all you have to do is present your valid South African passport at border control.

        The visa exemption agreement does not say anything about the period of validity that your passport must have, but the consulates recommend that the passport be valid for more than 6 months from the scheduled date of departure from Russia.

        That is, if you buy a plane ticket to enter Russia on June 15, 2020 and leave on June 30, 2020, check that your passport has an expiry date after December 30, 2020.

        It is important to check the validity of your passport before your trip and ensure that it does not show any damage or defect. Otherwise, you must renew your passport before traveling to Russia to avoid problems at the Russian border.

        What if I have dual citizenship? If you have a passport from another country (for example, a US, British or Australian passport), keep in mind that in order to benefit from the visa exemption you must present only your South African passport at the Russian border.

        In addition to a valid passport, it’s a good idea to provide your round trip airline tickets. The exemption agreement also does not stipulate that transport tickets have to be presented, but it is customary for border officials to ask for them upon your arrival in Russia.

        3. What documents does a South African not need in order to enter Russia without a visa?

        Sometimes doubts arise about whether other documents should be presented, such as an invitation (tourist voucher) or hotel reservations or travel medical insurance.

        A) Do South Africans need an invitation letter to travel to Russia?

        No, South Africans do not need an invitation or hotel reservations, as long as they are making use of the visa exemption period.

        B) Is it mandatory for South Africans to show travel medical travel insurance?

        It is not mandatory to take out travel medical insurance but it is highly recommended. In fact Russian consulates recommend having travel medical insurance for any eventuality that may arise, because if you need medical attention in Russia it can be very expensive.

        If you do not have travel medical insurance, you can purchase it easily in 5 minutes online from the Russian company Cherehapa. In the insurance period you must indicate from the date of arrival in Russia until the expected date of departure.

        Finally, it should be noted that European citizens are required to have travel medical insurance.

        4. In what cases do South Africans need a visa to travel to Russia?

        If you are South African you must apply for a visa to travel to Russia in the following cases:

        • If you wish to remain or reside in the territory of the Russian Federation for more than 90 days.
        • If you want to engage in any work or commercial activity.
        • If you want to study at a Russian university.

        In addition, if you are a foreigner and you live in South Africa, you can apply for a Russian visa at one of the Russian Consulates in South Africa (Pretoria or Cape Town), as long as you provide proof of your legal residence in South Africa.

        In all the above instances you have to apply for a Russian visa, in which case you have to travel to a Russian Consulate in South Africa.

        You can apply for different types of visas

        • Tourist visa, for tourist activities.
        • Business visa, to engage in business activities or conduct negotiations in the territory of the Russian Federation.
        • Private travel visa, to visit family or friends in Russia.
        • Student visa, to study in Russia.
        • Work visa, to be able to work in Russia.
        • Humanitarian visa, for stays involving cultural exchange, sports, scientific-technical, socio-political and religious activities or for humanitarian missions
        • Transit visa, for transit to a destination country through the territory of the Russian Federation

        To obtain any of these visas you need to fill out an electronic form, print, sign and attach a 3.5* 4.5 size photo, as well as provide other documents: invitation (or visa support / voucher), original passport, round trip plane ticket, etc.

        You will find information about the documents needed when applying for each type of visa, as well as the deadlines, prices, costs and consular fees at this link:

        Payment of consular fees for these visas is made in cash in South African rands.

        5. What processes does a South African have to go through upon arrival in Russia?

        To conclude this article, I should explain the processes that a South African needs to go through on arriving in Russia. If you arrive in Russia on an international flight, you must go through a series of processes and steps at the airport:

        • The first control to clear is passport control, where you have to complete the immigration card.
        • Once you have cleared passport control, you will be able to pick up your luggage (in case you have checked in luggage).
        • Then you go through customs control: green channel if you have nothing to declare and red channel if you have something to declare.
        • Once you clear customs control, you will exit to the airport arrivals hall, at which time you will be able to use the services offered by the airport: currency exchange, ATMs, tourist information offices, shops, restaurants or the transport service to the city center.

        All these steps are explained in detail in this article: The Immigration Card and Customs Procedures in Russia.

        Finally, once you arrive at your accommodation, the hotel management or the host of your accommodation must register your arrival, a process by which you inform Russian authorities of the location where they can find you if necessary.

        This procedure is explained in detail in the article: Registration in Russia: What it is and how it is done.

        I hope this article has been useful to all South Africans traveling to Russia. Bon voyage!

        How to get a Russian visa in 3 steps: a comprehensive guide

        Fortunately, the days when getting a tourist visa to Russia was a complex bureaucratic process are long gone — now it’s easy for travelers from any country! Simply follow our step-by step instructions.

        And one more important detail – at our end the New Year has already brought some exciting news: now nationals of 53 foreign States may be granted an e-visa to Saint Petersburg within just 4 days!

        Find out whether your country requires a visa to enter Russia or not

        Citizens of the European Union and the United States need to request a single or double-entry tourist visa for a period of up to 30 days to enter Russia. For citizens of some countries a visa-free regime might applicable. For the most up to date list of countries whose citizens need a visa to enter Russia, or those countries that operate a visa-free system, please go to this website:

        Contact the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy, or the visa center to clarify the list of documents and the rules of entry for citizens of your country

        Ideally, the applying for a visa to Russia should begin 2-3 months before your expected date of entry. You can apply for a visa no earlier than 90 days before the expected date of entry. The application process at consulates usually takes up to 10 working days. In some consulates and visa centers, express visas can be issued in 1-3 days at an additional cost. In many EU countries, the submission of documents is carried out only via special visa centers accredited by the Russian consular department. In most EU countries, such a visa center is VFS Global. If you’re not an EU citizen, you can find information on the website of the Consular Section of the Embassy of the Russian Federation in your country. Please only use the services of accredited visa centers and agencies.

        Collect the necessary documents

        Below is a list of typical documents necessary to apply for a Russian visa. For the current list of documents you are required to provide when applying for a visa, please check the information on the website of the consular department of the Russian Embassy in the country of your permanent residence. To apply for a Russian visa, you will need:

        • A passport valid for at least 6 months after the expiry date of the visa with at least 2 blank pages for visas to be attached;
        • A recent color photograph of 3,5 × 4,5 cm on a white background;
        • A fully completed visa application form from the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, printed and signed personally by you;
        • A letter of Invitation — this is an official document in Russian and English, confirming that you are invited to Russia by a tour operator or hotel accredited by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It should consist of two parts: a voucher and confirmation of your admission as a foreign tourist. They should indicate your passport details, as well as the exact dates of your visit to Russia, the cities and hotels/apartments where you plan to stay. The hotel reservation voucher cannot be used as an official invitation. NFR Travel makes such invitations for the clients for free — we will send it as soon as you book the trip and make the payment;
        • Travel insurance — please ensure that your insurance policy covers all the activities you plan to undertake on your trip. For example, trekking, heli-skiing, kayaking etc. In each of our routes, in the «Documents» section we specify the activities included in each trip;
        • Consular fee — EUR 35 for EU citizens, express visa EUR 70 (please check the details provided by the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in your country);
        • Service charge: this differs in each EU country — from EUR 25 to 30 for payment for services of a Visa Center;
        • Other documents depending on the place application, citizenship and other personal circumstances (for example, you may need a financial document confirming the availability of funds for your trip and for the duration of your stay in the Russian Federation).
        Additional permissions

        For some places in Russia, in addition to a visa, foreigners require a special permit to enter the border zone. The permit must be issued 3 months prior to your visit. The border zones are located in 46 subjects of the Russian Federation, including the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, the Murmansk Region, the Republic of Altai, the Republic of Tuva and the Kamchatka Region. If a permit is required to visit one of the border zones on one of our trips, then NFR Travel will issue it for you free of charge.

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